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RW Rakoczy & Wroński

Rakoczy & Wroński has been on the market since 1997. Since that time we gained an extensive experience in providing legal services to both Polish and foreign entities.  

Our company is a law firm that provides comprehensive legal services for business entities and individuals in the full range of issues relating to business activity in Poland, including:
- Corporate law and commercial law
- Intellectual property law
- Competition law
- Litigation and arbitration
- Bankruptcy and restructuring
- Tax law
- Labour law
- EU law
- Property restitution and reprivatization
- Residence legalisation

- Family law

- Crminial law including economic crimes

We assist our clients in the process of establishing business activity in Poland and obtaining necessary licenses and permits for both EU and non-EU residents. We provide assistance for entrepreneurs in negotiating and concluding contracts executed within the territory of Poland and enforcing claims from Polish contractors related to the execution of contracts.
We also offer a package of legal and accounting services, including accounting services provided by the office of expert auditors and the accounting office cooperating with us.


Our office offers credibility validation of domestic companies, including financial verification, and on-demand preparation of the reports in this regard. We also claim outstanding receivables on behalf of foreign companies for goods delivered to Poland and services provided for Polish customers.

Our team is prepared to provide legal services in English.


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